Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Looking for writers

Hey people
im looking for devoted writers.
SO please if your interested comment and answer these questions
2.stardoll name
3.have any blogger experience?Where?
4.HOw long are you on the computer?
5.CAn you do graphics?
thank you:)
PS:COntact me on my GB


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  2. 1 Lindsey
    2 HCO_lover_linds
    3 Yes I have several one about my life, about stardoll, and about Hollister
    4 I am on the computer usually 1 hour to2 maybe more
    5 simple ones

  3. 1 sarah
    2 lalagoo42
    3 no, i do not hav any experience
    4 during the day just a few hours but every night all night (:
    5 yes i can do graphics, its part of the reason im interested in doing this (:

  4. 1.Name : Hailey Ehrhardt
    2.Stardoll name : h.michelle.e
    3.Have any blog experience?Where?; yes; myspace :) great blogger once had my own blogging site !
    4.How long are you on the computer?1-2 hours a day!
    5.Can you do graphics? : yes it just depends on how my computer is lol!
    thank you:): NO thank you !

  5. hailey ehrhardt
    h.michelle.e about my about the life of taylor swift.and one about why i like to write.
    about 1-3 hours a day maybe longer
    yes i love to do graphics :)
    thank you and i hope i am one of the writers because i want to become a superstar and i hope it will help me with that :)

  6. 1.Hayley
    3.I used to write for a blog, but then stopped because it only had 3 followers & nobody commented or anything
    4.i am on more than 6 hours a day at least
    5.yes i can do graphics, i have adobe photoshop&illustrator.


  7. 1 Tara
    2 raindropblac
    3 I have 2 blogs and I work for 1 its called
    4 i am on for 6-7 hours in the morning and night
    5 No i cant but if some one shows me ill probably catch on!!

    Thanks! :]

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