Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Im sorry.

Well, I wished that it wouldnt come to this, but I am leaving Stardoll.
Any particular reason, Kay?
Well, yeah.
Stardoll has evolved so much since it started, it made me a greedier person.
I'd enter contests for codes, wanted way too much from Stardoll.
Everything was SUPER expensive, way too much was superstar.
So I sunk to the level of actually trying to get free stuff that was out of my country proxy.
So when I heard about the free Wizards of Waverly Place things, I wanted it.
I went to myproxy.ca, as usual.
It didnt work.
Later I came here, to SDTips-Fashion.
A new writer, hayleigh1998 was hired, and had a link to her blog site.
She had a post saying "VIRUS."
I read, and it said myproxy.ca had a virus.
I was VERY shocked.
Suddenly, my mom's laptop shut down.
I turned it back on, it wouldnt work.
Then I tried pressing the link to restart the laptop properly.
It said it would take an hour, but it never finsihed.
This happened two days ago.
Now that it is fixed, I've learned my lesson.
I'm never going on Stardoll again.
And no force o this Earth can make me go on,
I am truly sorry, but I guess it was about time.
Goodbye 4 years of Stardoll.
Goodbye friends.


1 comment:

  1. bye...but if ou ever think of joining again th blog is opn for you.i got the virus too but i have a strong antivirus so it didnt work as bad as ur did.ut it got wierd...
